A couple of weeks ago, I decided to try adopting a vegetarian lifestyle.....AGAIN. I say again, because I have made a couple of false starts over the last couple of years, but have been getting closer and closer to success with each try. Did some research last year, got some good information....did well for about a week, then dropped it. Decided to try again about three weeks ago....and so far, so good. I am not the poster child for Vegetarianism, by ANY means....but I'm liking what I'm doing, and at this point, that's all that matters. I suppose for the purists out there, I plan on being a "pescitarian." I will eat fish. Mostly because some social situations make being a vegetarian a hassle, and I have social obligations that make being real strict about it difficult. If pressed, I'll even eat meat, but usually there is a compromise situation somewhere....I just have to find it.
I've noticed that eating vegetarian is starting to release my creativity in the kitchen again. And my kitchen creativity has been taking a long-long nap. Take last night's dinner for example.......
I just took a flyer last night and made an awesome dinnner. I was planning to make Swimming Rama for dinner....Chicken for the kids, tofu for me (am NOT making the family go veg - that would result in Mutiny and my being forced fed a Big Mac). Pulled out my recipe for peanut sauce....and decided I didn't feel like measuring. Took brown sugar, peanut butter, some unsalted peanuts I had, half a purple onion, soy sauce, lemon juice, veg broth and siracha sauce, and blended it up with my immersion blender until I thought it tasted right. Threw it in a saucepan and put it on low to thicken it. Pressed and cut up some tofu and browned it. Browned some chicken breast slices. #2 son decided he wanted broccoli instead of spinach with the rama, so I sent him to the store for broccoli. Made rice, steamed the broccoli in the microwave, and then presented it all on separate plates on the table, so that the fam could mix together what they wanted. Everyone loved it!!
I think my old peanut sauce recipe is going to take permanent retirement in my recipe file. I don't need no Stinkin' Recipe!
On the knitting front, I have been working diligently on my Ravelympics Sweater Sprint project......
Until yesterday, that is. I've got the body done, and about 2/3 of one of the sleeves done. Only the other sleeve and the button band left to do. Even stopped by one of my fav LYS' (Great Yarns! in Everett) to pick out the perfect button for the sweater.
But then my mind wandered.....I started thinking about hats, "fake isle" hats to be specific. So two skeins of Noro Kureyon and two skeins of Cascase 220, came home with me, and I cast on for one of the hats last night.
I didn't mean to be unfaithful to the sweater, but....but....I've been with that sweater for nearly two weeks straight! A knitter needs a bit of variety! So I might not get my sweater done by the time the Olympic torch is extinguished on the 24th...but I will have it done for my Mom's birthday in November, and that was my real goal.
Knitting the sweater has reminded me that sweater knitting is fun, and that was something I had almost forgotten. Between the ton of socks and the miles of shawls, I had forgotten that some people knit nothing but sweaters and lead full, rich knitting lives. Rich lives despite never holding a pair of Addi Turbo Lace needles in their hands, or contemplating the joy of a skein of Koigu turned into a pair of socks. Middle son will eventually enjoy this revelation. I have about half a sweater for him started somewhere. He might actually get to wear it before he graduates from high school next June.